Coexsistance with airfield activity on an abandoned airport property

4 January 2019

Interview with Pascal Terrasse, President of the departmental equipment association of Ardèche (SDEA).

« At the project’s origin, the goal was to make better use of the land bordering the airfield within the constraints of an aeronautical environment. A serious study of the risks of glare to aerial navigation was carried out before the project was approved by the French civil aviation authority (DGAC). The regional council and the SDEA, owners of the land where the photovoltaic power plant is located, have pragmatic goals in terms of ecology. The goal is not to carry out ecological measures because they use the word ‘ecology’, but because there are real economic, social, and environmental reasons for doing so. It is important to know that airfields are always in deficit, so the resources produced by the solar plant aid in reducing this deficit. Urbasolar was able to find engineering solutions for installations adapted to the constraints of the site. We have no reason not to be open to their proposals for future photovoltaic projects. »

Interview with Marie-Christine Durand, mayor of Lanas.

« For us, this photovoltaic power plant was welcome. Even if the land is not the property of the town, which was our case, it is important to be aware that there are benefits for the whole region and the habitants of the local council community. We must think beyond our own borders. Citizens regret the absence of direct resources for the municipality but there is a certain pride in innovating and hosting renewable energies. That is where people participate. Ecological action can be taken without being an ecologist. We have to have good sense when it comes to the vision that we have of our children’s future and that of our region. We must also have a vision that goes beyond the borders of our community and have a perspective on the wider region. To mayors who will embark on these renewable energy projects, I would say: invest your selves fully in the project. In terms of Urbasolar, everyone we were in contact with was always available and we maintained respectful and sound relations. »

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