
11 July 2024

In June 2023, the FSL Group, which specialises in the storage and transport of frozen foods, and the photovoltaic energy manufacturer Urbasolar signed a long-term contract for the direct purchase of renewable electricity: a Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) under which a consumer company obtains supplies directly from renewable energy

10 July 2024

Work on the future solar farm in the commune of Amilly, in the Loiret region, was officially launched on 26 June in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of the Armed Forces (defence base, defence infrastructure service, directorate for land, property and the environment), elected representatives and representatives of

10 July 2024

On July 10, the Urbasolar Group and the commune of Senon in the Meuse region of France inaugurated a 4.7 MWp solar power plant, demonstrating the commitment of both parties to the production of renewable energy in the region. The inauguration took place on Wednesday, July 10, in the presence

8 July 2024

Urbasolar’s Solidarity programme rewards two associations run by its employees! Launched in 2024, Urbasolar’s Solidarity programme aims to provide financial support each year to 2 associations in which our employees are active, through two prizes: – Employees’ choice – Comex’s favourite Our “committed” employees have produced a video presenting their

8 July 2024

Urbasolar is pleased to announce that it has signed a €96 million financing package for the PERSEI portfolio, an ambitious project comprising 25 photovoltaic power plants spread across France. The PERSEI portfolio, with a total capacity of 86 MWp, is made up of ground-mounted plants, rooftops and photovoltaic greenhouses, most

4 July 2024

With a capacity of 4.6 MWp, this photovoltaic park, which will upgrade a derelict site, was inaugurated today by renewable energy producer Urbasolar, the Communauté Urbaine de Reims and the commune of St-Brice-Courcelles. The Saint-Brice-Courcelles solar power plant was inaugurated in the presence of Evelyne Quentin, Mayor of St-Brice-Courcelles, Raphaël

21 June 2024

Renewable energy producer Urbasolar and automotive logistics company 3HUB have inaugurated their first joint project of photovoltaic parking lot shadings, the first of a series of 3 to come. In the presence of Emmanuel RIEHL, Mayor of Abreschviller, Hubert VATAUX, co-founder of 3 HUB with Hubert GONCALVES, Paul KEURINCK, Managing

20 June 2024

On Thursday June 20, the Commune de Villefranche-de-Rouergue, the Syndicat Départemental des Ordures Ménagères de l’Aveyron (SYDOM) and Urbasolar, an expert in photovoltaic solar energy, came together to sign an agreement for the occupation of public land to launch the construction of a solar power plant on a former landfill

20 June 2024

The Roullier Group and Urbasolar are today inaugurating a new solar park at La Dominelais-Les Gressières (Ille-et-Vilaine). Spread over the 4 hectares of a former motocross site, which rules out the possibility of agricultural or forestry reclamation in the medium term, the 9,500 solar panels will have a capacity of

13 June 2024

The solar canopies of the parking lot of the hippodrome du Bouscat – Bordeaux, with a power of 1.3 MWp, were inaugurated today. In the presence of Mr Bobet, Mayor of Le Bouscat, Mr Descamps, Chairman of the racecourse, Mr Plan, Urbasolar’s Project Manager for Development of Buildings and Umbrellas,

10 June 2024

On Friday June 07, photovoltaic solar power expert Urbasolar and the commune of Montpouillan signed a lease agreement marking the launch of a large-scale floating solar power project in the department. In the presence of elected representatives from Montpouillan town council, SEM 47 (Société d’Economie Mixte pour l’Aménagement et l’Equipement

30 May 2024

The commune of Saint-Eulien in the Marne region of France and renewable electricity producer Urbasolar today inaugurated a 7.7 MWp solar power plant. The Saint-Eulien solar power plant was inaugurated today in the presence of Régis VALTON, Mayor of Saint-Eulien, and Jean-Yves MARIN, representative of the President of the Saint-Dizier

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Le groupe

Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…


Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.


Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.


Le photovoltaïque est certainement la solution renouvelable qui permet de répondre au plus grand nombre de besoins de ceux qui souhaitent s’engager dans la transition énergétique.