
28 September 2023

An example of the synergy between farming and renewable energy production, the Urbasolar group, experts in photovoltaics, and the municipality of Mont-Prés-Chambord have inaugurated an agrivoltaic power station that is home to a local flock of sheep. In the presence of Mr. Clément, Mayor of Mont-prés-Chambord, Mrs. Gonzalez, parliamentary aide

7 September 2023

The 5 MWp solar power plant was inaugurated today by the renewable energy producer Urbasolar and the municipality of Noyant-Villages. An iconic and innovative project combining ground-based and floating photovoltaic technology, it also demonstrates the commitment of local stakeholders to the energy transition. The Noyant-Villages power plant was inaugurated today

29 June 2023

• Resolutely committed to decarbonising public transport, Keolis is signing two electricity purchase contracts1 with Urbasolar, the French photovoltaic specialist. Through these agreements, the Group will be able to supplement its renewable electricity supply at a fixed, long-term price. • This electricity, generated at solar farms in France, will avoid

18 November 2022

As part of the decarbonization of its energy mix, ADP Group, the construction and production group Urbasolar and the electricity supplier GazelEnergie signed a long-term contract in 2020 for the direct procurement of renewable electricity: a corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) through which a consumer business receives its electricity supply

10 October 2022

The hypermarket chain has just moved to the next stage by commissioning a solar energy plant installed on top of the parking canopies at its site in Colmar. A flagship project 5.1 MW of solar parking canopies have been installed in the parking lot at the Cora hypermarket in Colmar.

30 September 2022

This partnership commits the experts in solar technology to a close collaboration with Montpellier Business School, providing training for young people and support for adults to find jobs in the local area. Collaboration in training schemes Access to training for young people and adults is a cornerstone of the Urbasolar

30 September 2022

SICTOM in the Val de Saône, SYTEVOM in the Haute-Saône and the renewable energy producer Urbasolar have today inaugurated a solar energy plant located in the municipality of Scey-sur-Saône-et-Saint-Albin, producing 2.8 MW of power. This disused site has been reconverted and given a new lease of life, producing sustainable and

14 September 2022

The group is changing direction with the departure of its two founders, Arnaud Mine and Stéphanie Andrieu. After founding the company in 2006 and slowly building it into the French leader for solar energy, over the last three years the pair pushed their business into the position of European leader.

8 September 2022

Located on the site of a former slate quarry and the grounds of its associated tile factory, this 26 MW solar power plant has been constructed by the Urbasolar group and inaugurated today. This successfully rehabilitated site is proof of the commitment shown by a group of local businesses deploying

6 September 2022

Strawberries being grown in solar-powered greenhouses – Berre l’Etang – Photo credit: Urbasolar Producing together, differently and better. This summer, the 3 partners made official their collaboration agreement at an event where they presented their common approach to advancing research into farming methods using solar-powered greenhouses. Huge increase in farming

13 July 2022

The specialist in large solar energy installations is showing off its expertise in the field of logistics at the GPMM (Grand Port Maritime) in Marseilles, France, by fitting solar panels to more than 150,000 m2 of roof space. Solar energy is an opportunity for the logistics sector The new requirement

30 June 2022

Guests were invited to visit the site of the solar power plants at Saint-Léger-de-Montbrun, with as guide Julien Picart (left), Director of Development for Ground-Mounted Solar Plants at Urbasolar The Tiper 2 & 4 plants, located on the former Etamat site, provide enough electricity for 2,500 homes, or 40% of

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Le groupe

Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…


Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.


Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.


Le photovoltaïque est certainement la solution renouvelable qui permet de répondre au plus grand nombre de besoins de ceux qui souhaitent s’engager dans la transition énergétique.