
26 August 2021

Situated at Peyssies, construction of the 5 MW solar energy plant which will float on a lake in a former quarry has begun. This large project, located on a piece of land owned by the local authority, will allow the local community to join the energy transition by repurposing an

9 July 2021

Located north of Thouars, in western France, the Tiper 2&4 solar energy project gave the Urbasolar group and local energy distributor SÉOLIS the opportunity to work together to produce and deliver renewable energy. Now in operation, this solar energy power station, which is a symbolic step for the region, has

9 July 2021

Urbasolar to recruit 100 people over the next 12 months. Urbasolar, the expert in the solar energy sector, has seen its employee base increase by 30% each year since 2017 and this is only set to increase! A dynamic carried by the group’s strong growth The Urbasolar group has been

24 June 2021

Winners of the CRE4.12 Tender Competition on 11 July last, AG Real Estate has commissioned Urbasolar to design, build and then operate a solar energy plant to be located on their HAVLOG building. This is the largest logistics platform built from scratch in France and will soon carry the largest

27 May 2021

Sheep at the Badaroux solar power plant – Photo credit: Urbasolar – Arc en Ciel The French agricultural development company (société civile d’exploitation agricole) “La Ferme de Pipo”, which belongs to the Arc en Ciel residential home at Pierrefiche, drove their flock of sheep from “Redoundel” to the Badaroux solar

25 May 2021

In partnership with the Vaucluse Chamber of Agriculture, Urbasolar organized a visit to two of the ten solar greenhouses that the group has built in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA). Attended by the Presidents, elected representatives and employees of the PACA Regional Chamber of Agriculture and Vaucluse Chamber of Agriculture, as well

30 March 2021

Integrated within the territories, the company has financed 82 photovoltaic power plants through 4,250 local investors for a total amount of €18.7 million. “Greener” investors Due to COVID, the French have never saved as much as in 2020 and all experts agree that savings will remain high in 2021. However,

9 March 2021

Published on 8 March by the Ministry of Employment, the Gender Equality Index is based on 5 calculation indicators. For 2020, Urbasolar achieved an excellent score of 96 out of 100. Photo Credit : Urbasolar

3 January 2021

With a 38% share of this market sector, or 33.8 MW, the Urbasolar group once again proved its winning performance in the CRE call for tenders. An expert in large solar-powered buildings Urbasolar has just been awarded 11 new projects, located in every part of mainland France. These projects cover

18 December 2020

SNCF, Carrefour, VICAT… have all chosen Urbasolar to deliver their solar self-consumption projects in France and around the world. Flagship projects In October 2019, France’s national railways, SNCF, inaugurated its new technicenter at Romilly (high-speed TGV parts maintenance center) with a staff parking lot fitted with self-consumption solar parking canopies.

2 December 2020

With the help of Bpifrance, Caisse d’Epargne Provence Alpes Corse and La Banque Postale, and with the participation of Crédit du Nord, this bank financing of €246 million relates to a portfolio of ground-based, floating power plant projects, photovoltaic parking canopies as well as roof-mounted systems. Supporting the Group’s rapid

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Le groupe

Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…


Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.


Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.


Le photovoltaïque est certainement la solution renouvelable qui permet de répondre au plus grand nombre de besoins de ceux qui souhaitent s’engager dans la transition énergétique.