
25 July 2019

Axpo has received approval from the respective authorities for the definitive acquisition of the French photovoltaics company Urbasolar. The transaction will make Axpo an important market player in the construction and development of solar plants in France and Europe. On 2 May Axpo announced that it had concluded an agreement

11 March 2019–kazakhstan      

4 March 2019

Urbasolar announces having been awarded 127 MW in new projects from the “CRE4.5 Ground-mounted and Parking Canopy” call for offers whose results were published Friday. This includes 16 projects in all for ground-mounted and parking canopy power plants including, notably, a floating power plant, two ground-mounted plants of 30 MW

8 February 2019

Carrefour has united with Urbasolar, the premier independent operator on the photovoltaic market in France, to accelerate the energy transition of its superstores with an initial installation of photovoltaic parking canopies on the parking lots of 36 of the company’s superstores. The electricity produced by these installations will be completely

10 September 2018

Accounts closed on April 30th, 2018 show a total turnover of 104M€, including the design, construction, maintenance, and the sale of electricity. This represents a growth rate of 16% in relation to previous activity, reinforced by a significant increase in results. The total GOS of the group rose to 25M€,

11 July 2018

Sococim Industries (Vicat group) entrusts Urbasolar with the construction of a 7 MWp solar power plant destined to supply power to its Rufisque cement works in Senegal. This investment, an industrial first in Africa, is part of the Vicat group’s global carbon footprint reduction program in its factories. Senegal has

24 May 2018

An Urbasolar-CEA partnership to advance research. With a strategy based on innovation, Urbasolar has allied itself with the skills of CEA-Tech to find and optimize analysis tools. Researchers thus profit from a site for full-scale testing. “Make our plant great again”, was Emmanuel Macron’s promise that they adopted as their

22 May 2018

Urbasolar wins the Grand Prize for Fastest-Growing Company! For the fifth edition of the Grand Prize for Fastest-Growing Companies, more than three hundred participants gathered at the Pavillon d’Armenonville to discover the 2018 leaders in growth who are the pride of France. Leaders League, in collaboration with the French Ministry

20 February 2018

The French photovoltaic specialist is the first company to be certified AQPV General Contractor by Certisolis. AQPV certification is for companies in the photovoltaic industry and aims to be an indisputable indicator for both private and public projectowners who wish to work with the best operators having a mastery of

17 January 2018

Urbasolar signs a financial agreement with the EBRD for the first ground-mounted power plant in Kazakhstan! The Zadarya solar power plant project will add 14 MW of solar capacity to Kazakhstan’s energy mix, for a total of 365 MW of existing and planned solar energy! The solar park project will

17 December 2017

Urbasolar and Kenyatta University inaugurate a solar power plant in Kenya Within the framework of the United Nations environment conference, the French Minister of the Energy Transition, Nicolas Hulot, the French ambassador to Kenya, Antoine Sivan, and the Kenyan Minister of Energy, Charles Keter, were present December 4th to inaugurate

9 October 2017

Urbasolar continues its profitable growth with 84.5 M€ in turnover, an 18% increase, and 16.3 M€ in EBITDA earned by April 30th, 2017 from its project development, photovoltaic power plant construction, park maintenance, and electricity production activities. The group is in line with objectives posted at the beginning of 2015

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Le groupe

Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…


Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.


Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.


Le photovoltaïque est certainement la solution renouvelable qui permet de répondre au plus grand nombre de besoins de ceux qui souhaitent s’engager dans la transition énergétique.