Les actualités du groupe


A la une !

11 juillet 2024

Le Groupe FSL, spécialisé dans l’entreposage et le transport de produits surgelés, et le constructeur et producteur d’énergie photovoltaïque Urbasolar, ont signé en juin 2023

30 mars 2021

Integrated within the territories, the company has financed 82 photovoltaic power plants through 4,250 local investors for a total amount of €18.7 million. “Greener” investors Due to COVID, the French have never saved as much as in 2020 and all experts agree that savings will remain high in 2021. However,

30 mars 2021

Integrated within the territories, the company has financed 82 photovoltaic power plants through 4,250 local investors for a total amount of €18.7 million. “Greener” investors Due to COVID, the French have never saved as much as in 2020 and all experts agree that savings will remain high in 2021. However,

30 mars 2021

Integrated within the territories, the company has financed 82 photovoltaic power plants through 4,250 local investors for a total amount of €18.7 million. “Greener” investors Due to COVID, the French have never saved as much as in 2020 and all experts agree that savings will remain high in 2021. However,

9 mars 2021

Publié le 8 mars par le Ministère du Travail, l’index égalité femmes-hommes se base sur 5 indicateurs de calcul. Pour 2020, Urbasolar atteint l’excellente note de 96 sur 100. Crédit Photo : Urbasolar

9 mars 2021

Published on 8 March by the Ministry of Employment, the Gender Equality Index is based on 5 calculation indicators. For 2020, Urbasolar achieved an excellent score of 96 out of 100. Photo Credit : Urbasolar

9 mars 2021

Published on 8 March by the Ministry of Employment, the Gender Equality Index is based on 5 calculation indicators. For 2020, Urbasolar achieved an excellent score of 96 out of 100. Photo Credit : Urbasolar

9 mars 2021

Published on 8 March by the Ministry of Employment, the Gender Equality Index is based on 5 calculation indicators. For 2020, Urbasolar achieved an excellent score of 96 out of 100. Photo Credit : Urbasolar

3 janvier 2021

Avec une part de marché de 38% sur la famille, soit 33.8 MW, le groupe confirme une nouvelle fois sa performance aux appels d’offre de la CRE. Un expert des grands bâtiments photovoltaïques Ce sont 11 nouveaux projets que vient de remporter Urbasolar, situés dans toutes les régions de France

3 janvier 2021

With a 38% share of this market sector, or 33.8 MW, the Urbasolar group once again proved its winning performance in the CRE call for tenders. An expert in large solar-powered buildings Urbasolar has just been awarded 11 new projects, located in every part of mainland France. These projects cover

3 janvier 2021

With a 38% share of this market sector, or 33.8 MW, the Urbasolar group once again proved its winning performance in the CRE call for tenders. An expert in large solar-powered buildings Urbasolar has just been awarded 11 new projects, located in every part of mainland France. These projects cover

3 janvier 2021

With a 38% share of this market sector, or 33.8 MW, the Urbasolar group once again proved its winning performance in the CRE call for tenders. An expert in large solar-powered buildings Urbasolar has just been awarded 11 new projects, located in every part of mainland France. These projects cover

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Le groupe

Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…


Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.


Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.


Le photovoltaïque est certainement la solution renouvelable qui permet de répondre au plus grand nombre de besoins de ceux qui souhaitent s’engager dans la transition énergétique.