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Committed to the decarbonization of its operations and aware of the current ecological challenges, the logistics specialist BeRT&YOU® is committed to reducing its environmental impact through a number of actions and has thus chosen to install rooftop solar power plants on two of its logistics buildings. “Our commitments to sustainable
The leisure specialist Aspro Parks, which operates more than 60 sites (water parks, leisure parks, aquariums, zoos and dolphinariums), took the decision to cover its parking lots with photovoltaic canopies. “At ASPRO, we are receptive to environmental issues and the group is committed to a policy of sustainable development. To
Sharing the same values and environmental commitment, Cora France and Urbasolar have entered into a partnership to work together to decarbonise the group’s shops, while improving the performance of the energy costs of Cora’s property portfolio. Several photovoltaic shading projects, both for self-consumption and grid injection, have sealed this partnership
Since 2019, the Urbasolar group has been working with Philippe Rouquette, a beekeeper from father to son, based in Paulhan in the Hérault. Every year, he installs more than 80 beehives on our solar power plant in Nizas-Lézignan-la-Cèbe. Every year, more than 400 kg of Garrigues honey are produced at
At Urbasolar, it is important to be as close as possible to the people in the area where we develop our solar farms, to invest in social projects that make sense for us and for our employees. We try to take our actions beyond our missions and promote human values
A flagship project covering 60 hectares, the solar energy power plant at Rion-des-Landes in south-west France is located on an area of waste ground and produces 53 MWp of electricity. This project, delivered through a close partnership between the local municipality and the wider group of towns in the Pays
Interview of Damien Audric, Director of Euro Disney Development and Environment (France) In line with Walt Disney’s policy, environmental protection and innovation are at the heart of the strategy adopted by the tourist attraction which strives every day to offer an experience that is unique and environmentally friendly. “As part
Interview with Cédric Fargier, a grower in Châteaurenard (13) Specializing in growing winter salads cultivated under plastic polytunnels, Cédric Fargier has chosen to replace his tunnels with an efficient and sustainable means of production: a solar-powered greenhouse. “Market gardening runs in my family, starting with my grandfather. My father carried
This project was born of the desire of the town of Périgueux, which owns the land, with the support of La Chapelle-Gonaguet municipality and the Greater Périgueux region, to make better use of the site of this rehabilitated former waste dump by constructing a solar power plant. The goal was
Interview with François Boussard, President of the Sud Sarthe Local Authorities Group (72) since 2017 Located on a former military munitions depot (ETAMAT in Aubigné-Racan) which closed in 1999, the solar energy plant project is part of the rehabilitation of the site which had already undergone explosives decontamination, dismantling of
Interview with Akhobi Sitou, Managing Director of SÉOLIS Group (79) The SÉOLIS Group’s core business occupies a specific geographical place in the energy sector, given that this company, with its 175 employees, is a long-established supplier of energy to the Deux-Sèvres department in the west of France. Due to its
Interview with Stephanie Facon-Retaux, a grower in Berre l’Etang (French Department 13), just outside Marseilles Stephanie Facon-Retaux and her husband run a market garden and horticulture business in the town of Berre l’Etang, near Marseilles. They grow flowers and fruit both outside and in their greenhouses. “We started this solar-powered
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Pour connaître nos valeurs, nos ambitions, notre expertise, nos derrières actualités, notre politique de Ressources Humaines et nos offres d’emploi, c’est par ici !
Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…
Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.
Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.
Quel que soit votre profil et vos besoins, nous vous proposons la solution solaire adaptée pour devenir acteur de la transition énergétique.
Découvrez nos différentes solutions photovoltaïques et engagez-vous dans la transition énergétique.
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75 Allée Wilhelm Roentgen
CS 40935
34961 Montpellier cedex 2