18 years after the tragic explosion at the AZF site, the former industrial brownfield is being reborn through an exemplary site reconversion project into a source of renewable energy production. “This initiative is a manifestation of the Toulouse metropolitan area’s engagement in favor of renewable energies and is fully part
Poste Immo, a subsidiary of the La Poste Group, is the real estate holding company and operator of the group. Its creation in 2004 responded to 3 major objectives : Modernize the group’s real estate. Optimize the occupation of surfaces, the costs, and the productivity of real estate activity at
Carrefour has united with Urbasolar to accelerate the energy transition of its superstores with a first phase of installation of photovoltaic parking canopies on 36 of the brand’s superstore parking areas. The electricity produced is completely self-consumed on site by each store. Carrefour is the first distributer in France to
In January 2018, BNP Paribas Reim France acquired, through an off-plan purchase (VEFA) with Nexity, a logistics platform at the heart of the Mitra urban development zone, for its real estate investment company (SCPI) Accimmo Pierre. With a total area of 58,000 m², the Mitra Campus is the new regional
Senegal has made the energy sector, and the reduction of carbon footprint, one of the main goals of the Rising Senegal Plan (PSE, Plan Sénégal émergent), a new referential public policy in the country for 2035. Sococim Industries, a subsidiary of the Vicat group, has engaged in the energy transition
In the middle of a rose farm, a solar power plant was created at Red Land Roses in Riuru, Kenya. “The installation of this photovoltaic self-consumption system following a hybrid process that interfaces with the grid and diesel generators has allowed us to save 30% on our electricity bill. But,
Interview with Daniel Renaud, mayor of Nizas since 2013, town of 650 inhabitants, Hérault Méditerranée greater metropolitan area. A quarry at the end of operations, a political will to develop renewable energy in the region, in particular photovoltaic energy, and the search for new resources are all at the origin
The Ravate Group, through its subsidiary Ravate Professionnel, a leader in the distribution of construction materials around the Indian Ocean, and Urbasolar have come together to create a joint-venture operating the photovoltaic market in La Réunion under the brand Urbasolar Océan Indien. Ravate Prodessionnel launched the equipping of its stores
Testimony from Ms. Lamarche, raspberry farmer in Arnac Pompadour (19) “I am thrilled to have this tool available which is much better adapted to my production. The photovoltaic greenhouse will allow me to cultivate in ideal conditions, with greater comfort, and optimized output.” Located in the village of Arnac-Pompadour (Corrèze
Interview with Marie-Laure Piqué, Engineering and Christophe Chaussende, Purchasing Director / Logistics – material resource center – Nîmes university hospital To optimize resources, the hospital made the decision to invest in renewable energy and thus participate in the energy transition without engaging investments. Urbasolar was the one to invest, design,
Interview with Philippe Casier, Energy and Sustainable Development Engineer – Carcassonne Hospital Center. 25,000 m² of parking canopies equipped with photovoltaic panels for a capacity of 4 MWp, a project co-financed by Urbasolar and the SYADEN (Aude region energy and digital association). For this high environmental quality (HEQ) and very
Interview with Pascal Terrasse, President of the departmental equipment association of Ardèche (SDEA). « At the project’s origin, the goal was to make better use of the land bordering the airfield within the constraints of an aeronautical environment. A serious study of the risks of glare to aerial navigation was
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Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…
Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.
Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.
Quel que soit votre profil et vos besoins, nous vous proposons la solution solaire adaptée pour devenir acteur de la transition énergétique.
Découvrez nos différentes solutions photovoltaïques et engagez-vous dans la transition énergétique.
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75 Allée Wilhelm Roentgen
CS 40935
34961 Montpellier cedex 2