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Le Groupe FSL, spécialisé dans l’entreposage et le transport de produits surgelés, et le constructeur et producteur d’énergie photovoltaïque Urbasolar, ont signé en juin 2023
Since its creation, Urbasolar, a photovoltaic expert, has been committed to fighting climate change and working for local, low-carbon power production with high-quality, innovative and biodiversity-friendly facilities. We share this commitment with our teams in each of our actions. With 500 plants built and operated by our group, we are
Since its creation, Urbasolar, a photovoltaic expert, has been committed to fighting climate change and working for local, low-carbon power production with high-quality, innovative and biodiversity-friendly facilities. We share this commitment with our teams in each of our actions. With 500 plants built and operated by our group, we are
Since its creation, Urbasolar, a photovoltaic expert, has been committed to fighting climate change and working for local, low-carbon power production with high-quality, innovative and biodiversity-friendly facilities. We share this commitment with our teams in each of our actions. With 500 plants built and operated by our group, we are
Le groupe Urbasolar, spécialiste français de la technologie photovoltaïque, démontre une nouvelle fois sa compétitivité et son savoir-faire sur tous les types d’applications photovoltaïques en remportant des projets à tous les appels d’offres solaires dont les listes des lauréats viennent d’être publiées par le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et
Urbasolar group, a French specialist in photovoltaic technology, again demonstrated its competitiveness and expertise across all types of photovoltaic applications by winning projects in every solar energy-call to tender, for which the lists of winners has just been published by the French Ministry for Ecological and Inclusive Transition. By winning
Urbasolar group, a French specialist in photovoltaic technology, again demonstrated its competitiveness and expertise across all types of photovoltaic applications by winning projects in every solar energy-call to tender, for which the lists of winners has just been published by the French Ministry for Ecological and Inclusive Transition. By winning
Urbasolar group, a French specialist in photovoltaic technology, again demonstrated its competitiveness and expertise across all types of photovoltaic applications by winning projects in every solar energy-call to tender, for which the lists of winners has just been published by the French Ministry for Ecological and Inclusive Transition. By winning
Le développeur de projets photovoltaïques annonce avoir collecté 10 millions d’euros par le biais du financement citoyen en 2019, dépassant de 20 % son objectif annuel. En 2019, en France, Urbasolar a lancé plus de 25 campagnes de financement citoyen dans une vingtaine de départements. Par ce biais, le développeur
The photovoltaic project developer announced that it has raised EUR 10 million through crowdfunding in 2019, exceeding its annual target by 20%. In France in 2019, Urbasolar launched over 25 crowdfunding campaigns in twenty départements. This approach saw the project developer raising EUR 10 million, enabling it to fund a
The photovoltaic project developer announced that it has raised EUR 10 million through crowdfunding in 2019, exceeding its annual target by 20%. In France in 2019, Urbasolar launched over 25 crowdfunding campaigns in twenty départements. This approach saw the project developer raising EUR 10 million, enabling it to fund a
The photovoltaic project developer announced that it has raised EUR 10 million through crowdfunding in 2019, exceeding its annual target by 20%. In France in 2019, Urbasolar launched over 25 crowdfunding campaigns in twenty départements. This approach saw the project developer raising EUR 10 million, enabling it to fund a
Les aéroports de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Orly et Le Bourget seront alimentés en énergie solaire par le développeur de projets Urbasolar et le fournisseur d’énergie GazelEnergie dans le cadre d’un PPA de 21 ans. Trois centrales photovoltaïques seront mises en service en 2021 à cet effet. Le Groupe ADP, opérateur aéroportuaire international
Vous souhaitez en découvrir plus sur Urbasolar ?
Pour connaître nos valeurs, nos ambitions, notre expertise, nos derrières actualités, notre politique de Ressources Humaines et nos offres d’emploi, c’est par ici !
Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…
Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.
Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.
Quel que soit votre profil et vos besoins, nous vous proposons la solution solaire adaptée pour devenir acteur de la transition énergétique.
Découvrez nos différentes solutions photovoltaïques et engagez-vous dans la transition énergétique.
+33 4 67 64 46 44
Siège social :
75 Allée Wilhelm Roentgen
CS 40935
34961 Montpellier cedex 2