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Le Groupe FSL, spécialisé dans l’entreposage et le transport de produits surgelés, et le constructeur et producteur d’énergie photovoltaïque Urbasolar, ont signé en juin 2023
In the middle of a rose farm, a solar power plant was created at Red Land Roses in Riuru, Kenya. “The installation of this photovoltaic self-consumption system following a hybrid process that interfaces with the grid and diesel generators has allowed us to save 30% on our electricity bill. But,
In the middle of a rose farm, a solar power plant was created at Red Land Roses in Riuru, Kenya. “The installation of this photovoltaic self-consumption system following a hybrid process that interfaces with the grid and diesel generators has allowed us to save 30% on our electricity bill. But,–kazakhstan–kazakhstan–kazakhstan–kazakhstan
Urbasolar announces having been awarded 127 MW in new projects from the “CRE4.5 Ground-mounted and Parking Canopy” call for offers whose results were published Friday. This includes 16 projects in all for ground-mounted and parking canopy power plants including, notably, a floating power plant, two ground-mounted plants of 30 MW
Urbasolar announces having been awarded 127 MW in new projects from the “CRE4.5 Ground-mounted and Parking Canopy” call for offers whose results were published Friday. This includes 16 projects in all for ground-mounted and parking canopy power plants including, notably, a floating power plant, two ground-mounted plants of 30 MW
Urbasolar announces having been awarded 127 MW in new projects from the “CRE4.5 Ground-mounted and Parking Canopy” call for offers whose results were published Friday. This includes 16 projects in all for ground-mounted and parking canopy power plants including, notably, a floating power plant, two ground-mounted plants of 30 MW
Carrefour s’unit à Urbasolar, premier opérateur indépendant du marché photovoltaïque en France, pour accélérer la transition énergétique de ses hypermarchés avec un premier déploiement d’ombrières photovoltaïques sur les parkings de 36 hypermarchés de l’enseigne. L’électricité ainsi produite sera intégralement autoconsommée par chaque hypermarché. Carrefour est le premier distributeur en France
Carrefour has united with Urbasolar, the premier independent operator on the photovoltaic market in France, to accelerate the energy transition of its superstores with an initial installation of photovoltaic parking canopies on the parking lots of 36 of the company’s superstores. The electricity produced by these installations will be completely
Carrefour has united with Urbasolar, the premier independent operator on the photovoltaic market in France, to accelerate the energy transition of its superstores with an initial installation of photovoltaic parking canopies on the parking lots of 36 of the company’s superstores. The electricity produced by these installations will be completely
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Pour connaître nos valeurs, nos ambitions, notre expertise, nos derrières actualités, notre politique de Ressources Humaines et nos offres d’emploi, c’est par ici !
Concepteur, développeur, constructeur et exploitant de projets photovoltaïques, nous sommes un groupe engagé porté par des valeurs environnementales…
Nous sommes convaincus que l’électricité issue du solaire est une des solutions qui répond le mieux aux ambitions de la transition énergétique.
Positionné sur un marché porteur, opérant sur une large partie de la chaîne de valeur photovoltaïque, nous sommes amenés à recruter de nombreux talents.
Quel que soit votre profil et vos besoins, nous vous proposons la solution solaire adaptée pour devenir acteur de la transition énergétique.
Découvrez nos différentes solutions photovoltaïques et engagez-vous dans la transition énergétique.
+33 4 67 64 46 44
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75 Allée Wilhelm Roentgen
CS 40935
34961 Montpellier cedex 2