Urbasolar reinforces its presence in East Africa

6 February 2017

Urbasolar very active in East Africa

The French Minister of Finances, Michel Sapin, was in Kenya this Sunday, February 5th 2017. On this occasion, he visited the Urbasolar photovoltaic power plant installed at Red Lands Roses flower farm in Ruiru which was inaugurated past December.
This visit shows the dynamism of the partnerships between public and private French and Kenyan actors in the field of renewable energy, facilitated for nearly one year now, by the Renewable Energy Club of East Africa of which Urbasolar is an active member.
In line with its international development strategy, Urbasolar has just created its subsidiary “Urbasolar Kenya” a joint venture with Kenyan entrepreneurs with the aim to transfer expertise and technology in Kenya and East Africa.
One of the first projects carried out by Urbasolar Kenya is the creation of a Center of Excellence at Kenyatta University, the country’s first public university with 71,000 students. This Center of Excellence will be dedicated to training and acquisition of technical skills in photovoltaic projects. It will include a testing and demonstration platform for innovative photovoltaic technologies (trackers, storage, etc.). It will be equipped with a 100kW pilot solar generator financed by France as well as a digital development platform for software applications dedicated to photovoltaic management systems. The project will be completed and launched in June 2017.

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