URBASOLAR signs the financing of the PERSEI portfolio: A project for 25 photovoltaic power plants in France

Urbasolar is pleased to announce that it has signed a €96 million financing package for the PERSEI portfolio, an ambitious project comprising 25 photovoltaic power plants spread across France. The PERSEI portfolio, with a total capacity of 86 MWp, is made up of ground-mounted plants, rooftops and photovoltaic greenhouses, most of which were awarded in the 4th and 5th sessions of the Commission de Régulation de l’Énergie’s call for tenders.

A further step towards energy transition

The plants in the PERSEI portfolio will be commissioned progressively between July 2024 and November 2025. Once operational, they will generate an annual output of 105 GWh, equivalent to the electricity consumption of around 22,000 French households. This project demonstrates Urbasolar’s commitment to the energy transition and sustainable development, helping to reduce CO2 emissions and make France more energy independent.

Solid financing for a sustainable future

The €96 million deal was financed by Bpifrance, Crédit Agricole du Languedoc and Crédit Agricole Transitions & Energies, demonstrating the confidence of the financial institutions in the potential of this project. The transaction was advised by De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, Astris Finance, 3E, KPMG and Ester Finance.

Strengthening Urbasolar’s position

This new transaction strengthens Urbasolar’s position as a key player in solar energy in France and Europe. By continuing to develop and finance large-scale projects, Urbasolar is confirming its role as a leader in the energy transition and its ability to respond to current climate challenges.

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Saint Brice Courcelles solar power plant – Photo Credit : Urbasolar