When solar Power Rhymes with Innovation

16 October 2016

Just weeks before the opening of the COP21, Urbasolar, and its partners, have put into service the largest concentrated solar power plant ever constructed in France!

In the community of Aigaliers (Gard), and covering 22 hectares, are more than 1,400 concentrated solar power modules mounted on dual axis trackers, as well as a solar photovoltaic portion on single axis trackers.
This imposing ensemble develops a capacity of 10.7 MWp, more than 30% of which is concentrated solar; the annual production will be injected entirely into the grid and will supply electricity to more than 5,800 households*, principally in close proximity to the plant.

Winner of the CRE (Commission de regulation de l’énergie) call for tender, also called CRE1, today the project is a true window onto the French solar industry, gathering at its heart all the know-how and innovation that our French companies are capable of:
– Soitec for the concentrated solar portion
– Sillia VL for the photovoltaic modules, manufactured in Vénissieux (Rhône)
– Exosun for the photovoltaic trackers portion
– and Urbasolar for the design, construction, financing, and operation of the solar park

Initiated by the community of Aigaliers in 2009 and developed by Urbasolar, this project, today become a reality, is a true concentration of technology and is the pride of the local population and its mayor M. Boyer, as well as the regional companies who contributed to the creation of this park.

Beyond the technological achievement, the project is accompanied by significant environmental actions including, notably, the reopening of the natural environment with conditions favorable for maintaining biodiversity and, in particular, the conservation of endemic Mediterranean species (flora and fauna). It has thus allowed for the reintroduction of small game to the site, such as the red-legged partridge and even rabbits.

On the eve of the COP21 where the question of climate change will be at the center of debate, the Aigaliers solar park is the very example that proves that innovation, technology, and industry can serve the environment and constitute a solid foundation for virtuous economic development in France and internationally.

*source: CRE 2012 – excluding heating

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